Happy Holidays!

I’m so excited about 2019 that I can barely stand it. I hope you are as excited about next year as I am and are diving into planning out your year in order to achieve your goals. More on my plans for next year later… As I said last week, this year-end period is a time for reflection, gratitude and looking back at everything you have accomplished so that you can play it forward into 2019.

2018 has been a year of huge learning for me. I’ve gone deeper in my surface pattern design practice and I’ve continued to make progress in my business. Here are the top 10 things I’m grateful for:

1.     My husband who supports our family by working a huge and stressful corporate job which allows me to build my business without fear of failure.

2.     My son who is pursuing an architecture degree at the Rhode Island School of Design and whose decision to go to art school freed me to explore my own creativity after my corporate career came to an end.

3.     My extended family that continues to support me unequivocally as I progress down this new path of entrepreneurship.

4.     The members of The Pattern Design Club who joined this new program and who engage joyfully and enthusiastically with me every week in their surface pattern design journey.

5.     Everyone who purchased products or programs from me this year and provided me with insights and feedback so that I can enhance and add value to your learning journey.

6.     The small but mighty team of creative talent that supported me with a website refresh, new, gorgeous photography and direct to camera videography that up-leveled my online teaching. Thank you Monique Johnson of DesignWithMojo and Kim Thompson Steel.

7.     The hundreds of students who participated in my two free programs: The Pattern Design Masterclass and The Adobe Illustrator Masterclass and shared testimonials about their experience in these courses.

8.     The incredible community of courageous beginners who download my free guide: Top 5 Tips to Get Started in Surface Pattern Design every day and bring joy to my teaching practice through their enthusiasm and beginners mindset.

9.     My mentors who pushed me to learn new things and more importantly to implement them in my business this year.

10.  The growing community of surface pattern designers inside Anne’s Art Club who are eager to learn and thrive in the surface pattern design industry.


It makes me incredibly happy to reflect back with gratitude on major milestones from 2018. I encourage you to do the same and give thanks to those near and far who support your dreams and ambitions.

Happy Holidays. Sending you my love, appreciation and endless gratitude. And remember,

It’s Never Too Late to Create

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation living in, and traveling to, beautiful environments in the United States and abroad.


Favorite Quote

Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.


Happy New Year! 2019 Is Going To Be Great.


Looking Back At 2018 Before Setting Goals For 2019