You're Not Behind...You're Actually Ahead

When you’re in the first few weeks of a new program, whether it’s an online course or a workshop or a class in school, you can frequently start to worry about falling behind.

This is a very natural reflex when you’re in a group environment where people are posting their work or sharing where they are in the program. Everyone is at a slightly different place and seeing that can lead to comparison which, as we talked about last week, is never a good place to be.

When you start to worry about falling behind, here are 7 ways to shift your thinking and realize that you are actually ahead.


#1 At The Beginning, We Are All Beginners

Whenever we start something new, we are all beginners. It doesn’t matter if someone has more experience than you. When you’re starting the same program together, everyone is a beginner together. Everyone is starting from the beginning of the course. Someone might have more of a background in a particular area of the course, but you are all going through the experience together.


#2 Appreciate Every Stage

It’s important to enjoy the learning experience and realize that it’s a journey. Every stage is different and brings new understanding and skills. When you’re in a surface design program like my Pattern Design Academy or Bonnie’s Immersion program, you’ll see creatives making money from their designs and that should give you great confidence. This is how Katarina puts it: “This is proof that it can work out and it will happen for me too in time.”


#3 Focus On What You’re Learning

It’s very important to recognize your progress. Make note of what you learned at the end of each day and at the end of the week. If you succeeded at using a new tool inside Adobe Illustrator, lean into that. Take time to assess and reflect on the new skills you are acquiring every day during your studies. It may be hard at times and some tools in Illustrator are easier to learn than others. Recognize that and this leads into #4 which is… 


#4 Celebrate Every Win.

When you create a new design, or learn how to use a new tool in Adobe Illustrator, take a moment to celebrate. In today’s culture, we are so prone to criticism instead of celebrating successes whether big or small. These are important accomplishments. Learning the skills needed to become a surface pattern designer is not easy. It takes focus. It takes dedication. But before you know it, you’ll have acquired an entire new set of skills and new opportunities await you. You are doing a great job!


#5 Get Help & Give Help

There will always be someone ahead of you and behind you. One of the most valuable things about a creative community is that you can get help from those who are ahead of you. And in turn, you can help people who are behind you. This creates a beautiful daisy chain where everyone is supporting everyone else and lending a helping hand. The constant encouragement and support helps everyone move forward together.


#6 Work At Your Own Pace.

Remember that you are unique. You have a learning approach and style that works best for you and it’s important to embrace that. You might learn best by watching video tutorials once through without doing the work yourself. This method might help you absorb the concepts more broadly. Your next step might be to watch the videos again while implementing the steps as you watch. While this approach takes a little longer, it might yield fantastic results because you absorb the material at a deeper level. Don’t force yourself to move through the material just to “keep up”. You’ll be much better off learning at your own pace and using whatever techniques work best for you.


#7 You Are Actually Ahead

You are ahead because you are taking action to learn new skills. That in itself is a huge accomplishment and one that many people won’t do. They will stay on the sidelines full of regret. But that’s not you. Be happy and proud that you are moving forward, that you’re on the right track, and that you are making progress towards achieving your goals.


You’re on a beautiful journey… It can be helpful to put blinders on and focus on your own unique journey. And realize that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be right now.


It’s Never Too Late to Create

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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