Free mini-course: Creative Powerhouse

Have you met, Stacie Bloomfield? She runs a very successful creative business and is offering a free mini course starting TODAY called: Creative Powerhouse.

Quick story: Stacie went to art college and when she graduated, she couldn't figure out how to make money from her art. She ended up working at a coffee shop as a waitress and a barista for several years. When her first child was born, she realized that she needed to decorate the nursery. She created artwork for her child's nursery and put it for sale on her Etsy shop. She has a very distinctive style and the artwork took off.

One of the things she realized along the way was the fact that she could take one piece of art and sell it in a variety of different ways. And that, my friend, is part of what she is going to teach you in her free mini-course.

There are three main themes she's covering in this free mini course. You have to sign up because this valuable knowledge comes to you via email. Click HERE to sign up.

What’s your creative superpower? I bet you’d love to know. Stacie unlocks this secret for you so that you discover your own unique voice.

What are your big dreams? Stacie believes in manifesting your dreams, saying them out loud, writing them down, so that they become a reality.

Your unique success path. Learn how to take art you already have and leverage it multiple ways. This approach is genius!

At the end of her mini-course, she’ll open enrollment to her signature program: Leverage Your Art. Stacie reached out to me personally last year to help her sell it because it was her first year offering it. I was happy to support her because I know you’ll find tremendous value in what she has to offer.

She’s asked me to be an affiliate again this year which is good news for you because…

… I’m offering a fabulous Bonus Experience if you purchase Leverage Your Art through me.

Bonus #1: A small, intimate Facebook group.

So that you don't get lost in the crowd. You'll absolutely participate in Stacie's big Facebook group, but she's probably going to have over a thousand students this year. Wow! I want to make sure you get the additional support you need and don’t get lost in the crowd.

Bonus #2: Mindset coaching.

As an online educator myself, I see this time and time again. You’re incredibly talented but you get stuck because you have those voices inside your head saying: I’m too old. I can’t keep up. It’s too overwhelming. There isn’t room for me.


Let me help you break through those limiting beliefs, lean into your creativity and experience joy, pride and satisfaction at getting your artwork out into the world.

Bonus #3: Cliff Notes - The Inside Scoop

I’ve gone through Stacie’s program myself. In my cliff notes each week, you’ll get insider tips – stuff I don't want you to miss. And the added benefit of my personal knowledge from my twenty-five years of retail and licensing experience.

Get started by joining the free mini-course, Creative Powerhouse, right now. Click HERE to grab your spot. I’ll see you on the inside.

P.S. Get a free 7-day trial of Adobe Illustrator . Select Illustrator 2021 CC for the version I recommend. It comes with the iPad version so you get both!

Bye for now. And I'll see you next week.


It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

Leverage Your Art - Enrollment is OPEN!


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