Quick Tips - Managing Burnout

Welcome to a new take on my blog that I'm calling Anne’s “Quick Tips”. It’s summer! Time to relax, spend less time on the computer and get little snippets of information that are helpful and keep you motivated to lean into your creativity. My goal is to mix in shorter blog posts that don't take long to read. I hope you find them fun, enjoyable, and valuable.

Today's quick tip is all about burnout. I personally have been experiencing some burnout because since the beginning of the year, I have been go, go, go. I’ve supported my creative entrepreneur friends with the launches of their programs online in January, February and June. I taught and supported a new class cohort in my own 10-week program the Pattern Design Academy®, in May, June and July. And I’m doing a lot of coaching to support other creatives who are dipping their toes into the online education space.

I realized the other day that I was all of a sudden feeling really exhausted and burnt out. Maybe you’ve been feeling that way too?

Pay Attention & Take Action.

It's really important to pay attention to how you're feeling. Slow down and listen to yourself. Are you doing okay or do you need a break? Once you’ve assessed the situation, decide what you can do to make things better. I am sometimes the worst at taking my own advice! But I’m really taking to heart the fact that I need to take a break to ensure that I can be my best self. If I’m exhausted, I can’t serve you to the best of my abilities.

Here are my three tips:

Tip #1 – Savoring My Morning.

I am starting my day a little bit later than normal. I'm still getting up at the same time, but instead of immediately hurrying through my morning coffee and jumping into my business, I am trying to take a little bit more of a leisurely approach in the morning.  I’m savoring my cup of coffee and noticing what's happening in the backyard. Or I’m just sitting on the deck for a few minutes to ease into my day.

Tip #2 – Spending Time Outdoors.

It is summertime after all. This is a great opportunity for us to step away from the computer, to take longer walks, enjoy the incredible weather, and also admire the beauty that surrounds us. I am very fortunate to live in Northern California where it's absolutely gorgeous almost all the time.

Tip #3 – Getting 10,000 steps a day.

My husband bought me a Fitbit, which I think I've mentioned to you before. He purchased it for me because I spend too much time in front of the computer. I promised him that I would try to do 10,000 steps a day.

When he initially bought it for me, I had no problem at all with that and it's easy enough. I just walk out my back door and I can take a beautiful hike up and around the back of my house. It's not hard, but I have to make sure that I make time for it.

Those are my quick tips for today and maybe one or more of them will serve you if you are experiencing burnout. I certainly hope so. See you next week!

You can pop over to my YouTube channel to watch the video I recorded about burnout. Click HERE and please subscribe while you’re over there.



P.S. My free mini-course, From Doodles to Dollars, starts again in September. To prepare, grab a free 7-day trial to Adobe Illustrator. You’ll get both the desktop and the iPad version! What a great deal.

Have fun and I’ll see you next week.


It’s Never Too Late to Create

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.


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