Meet Just Judifer aka Judy Patterson

Hi there, my friend! I’m so excited about this week’s spotlight because if you need inspiration to face your creative fears, this spotlight is going to be perfect for you.

In this blog, you’ll get to learn about Judy Patterson, a Surface Designer who loves calligraphy and painting. She named her business “Just Judifer” because her husband nicknamed her Judifer, and when she gets to just be Judifer (not Mom or Mrs. Patterson the teacher), that’s her happy place. She took my Pattern Design Academy® program and continues to expand her creative business with multiple online shops where she successfully sells her art.

The video of my interview with Judy is over on my YouTube channel HERE. Please subscribe to my channel when you pop over there to watch it.

Here are three key points of inspiration from Judy’s interview:

#1 – Mistakes are OK.

As artists, we’re often coming up with things we’ve never seen before, so it’s normal to be afraid of failure or even scared to make mistakes. Judy would always say to her students that mistakes are OK, so much so that they began to imitate her whenever they made mistakes.

Judy says, “everything is an opportunity for another creative moment,” and I couldn’t agree more. Instead of being afraid and running away from failure, I encourage you lean into your mistakes and failures to see what you can learn from them or make out of them.

Next time you make a mistake or experience failure, ask yourself “how can this be a creative moment? What can I make out of this?”

#2 – Question your fears.

When Judy first saw my post about Doodles®, she was scared to try but she asked herself “what do I have to lose?”. Then when my Academy® opened for enrollment, she was afraid again to take the leap, and she asked herself “what am I afraid of?”.

Each time, she was able to overcome her fears because she figured out where the fears were coming from by asking the right questions. Fear can be a vague, yet overwhelming feeling, and it’s often just our minds telling us that things are about to change, and we read that as danger instead of opportunity.

When we dig deeper into how we feel when we’re afraid, and that’s simply by asking ourselves why we’re afraid or what we’re afraid of, we can get past the feeling of danger and see the exciting opportunities ahead. When this happens to you, look inwards and question your fears so you can give yourself more empowering thoughts & answers.

#3 – Challenge yourself. 

Judy tells us how her mother-in-law gave her the calligraphy set that got her started in art. At that time, there was a show on TV that taught about calligraphy, so she would sit on the floor with a clipboard and paper to practice what she saw on TV while taking care of her kids as they ran around the house.

She also learned to paint free hand because when she was learning, she didn’t know there was a choice to do a drawing first before painting over it. That must have been difficult, but she kept going. I love how Judy doesn’t let challenges stop her from learning and taking action, and I hope this inspires you too.

When you tell yourself that nothing will stop you and you can do hard things, it’s easier to overcome fear because you’re always ready to face a challenge. What challenge are you stepping up to today? Let me know in the comments under Judy’s video on my YouTube channel HERE.

If you would like to see more of what Judy is up to, you can find her on Instagram, @justjudifer, where she posts artwork regularly and you’ll find links to her online shops in her bio.

To learn more about what other Pattern Design Academy students have been able to accomplish, go to my celebrate page HERE.

Pop over to my YouTube channel to watch the video about Judy. Click HERE and please subscribe while you’re over there. It really helps spread the word and get more people to watch my weekly videos.

See you next week.



It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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