Bonnie Christine's Surface Design Immersion Program

It’s here! Bonnie Christine’s fabulous online course called Surface Design Immersion is open for enrollment.

Bonnie only offers this incredibly program once a year so listen up. I want to share my personal story about taking Immersion with you and what it’s made possible for me.

I had a long and successful career in retail for over 25 years. But one day, my boss called me into his office and said: “Anne, we’ve just eliminated your job. Go talk to Human Resources and then gather your things.” This came as a complete shock!

I felt like I had lost everything. For years, I’d dedicated all of my time, attention and efforts to the success of the company and my entire identify was attached to my fancy corporate job and title as Vice President - with all the perks that came with it. I wasn’t sure who I was anymore.

Thank goodness that my husband reminded me of the box of art supplies gathering dust in the basement. He suggested that I take some time off from looking for another corporate job, get some use out of all of those art supplies, and lean into my creativity as a way to work through my depression and perhaps discover a new path forward.

During that exploration, I discovered Bonnie, learned about surface pattern design, and I leapt at the chance to take her Immersion program the very first time she offered it back in 2018.

Here’s how taking her program helped me. These are just the top three ways it changed my life. There are countless more!

#1 Finding My Purpose

I’d always been creative as a child but didn’t have any examples of artists in my family. Everyone was either a doctor, a lawyer, or had gone into a traditional corporate career. Bonnie’s program showed me that pursuing a career in surface design is a viable option. Even for someone in their late 50s who was completely reinventing themselves. Through her program, I discovered a new path and purpose in life and she showed me that it was possible to turn my creative passions into a successful career.

Maybe you’ve always been creative too but someone told you when you were young that you weren’t talented enough. Or they wouldn’t let you go to art school because: “You can’t make any money at that”. Well, times have changed and you know my motto: It’s Never Too Late To Create®.

#2 Success is Possible

One of the biggest things that held me back, and might be holding you back is fear of failure. But what I discovered is that if you keep moving forward, one step at a time, towards your goals, they are attainable. And you know what? At some point, that fear of failure may turn into a fear of success! All of a sudden you see what’s possible. That can be scary too. Which is why having a roadmap to follow and a community to support you are critical to help you succeed.

I don’t know about you but I love to learn in community with others. Bonnie’s community is amazing: encouraging, supportive, positive. There’s no sense of competition but rather a wonderful and refreshing degree of collaboration. You’ve heard Bonnie say it many times: There’s room for you.

#3 Finding the Right Guide & Mentor

We all need someone to show us the way forward and how to navigate successfully in a new industry. The surface design industry is huge which means it’s full of opportunities for each of us. What you decide to pursue will be unique to your goals and aspirations. Having a proven roadmap to follow and a trusted guide to support you every step along the way makes all the difference.

Bonnie’s expertise and guidance are invaluable and I couldn’t have achieved the level of success I have today with her. I knew when I first took her free workshop years ago, that she was the right guide and mentor for me. I continue to learn from her each year and I hope you’ll join us this year. It’s an incredible experience.

Before I wrap up, I want you to know about a special offer that Bonnie is allowing me to offer you when you enroll in her program through me.

Anne’s Bonus Pack:

My Bonus Pack contains two elements:

  1. A one-on-one coaching call with me. Enroll through me and you’ll automatically be entered to win one of these. There is a limit of 20.

  2. A special Masterclass & Q&A session after the Immersion course ends. This Masterclass will cover what’s critical to include in your portfolio.

The Immersion program is only available once a year. If you do decide to enroll in Immersion, make sure you go through my partner link HERE so that you get my bonus pack.

See you next week.



P.S. If you’re just curious, click HERE to discover what the Immersion program is all about.

It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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FREE Workshop with Bonnie Christine