Book Review: Wabi Sabi by Beth Kempton

I’m excited to share one of my favorite books with you. It’s Beth Kempton’s Wabi Sabi, Japanese Wisdom for a Perfecly Imperfect Life.

I love this book and enjoy listening to Beth read the audible version when I’m out and about walking in the hillside behind our house.

In a world that demands perfection and continually seeks the next best thing, Beth’s book comes as a breath of fresh air. It delves into the ancient Japanese concept of "wabi sabi," which celebrates the beauty in imperfection and transience. Beth expertly blends her personal experiences living in Japan with a deep understanding of Japanese culture, creating an engaging and enlightening read.

This book struck home for me on so many levels because I majored in East Asian Studies in college and lived in Asia, both Japan and Hong Kong after graduating. While in Japan, I was fully immersed in the language and culture by living with a Japanese family who spoke no English. My Japanese got quite good while I was there, with the help of my Japanese boyfriend.

Since this blog is mostly about art, creativity and surface design, you’ll be delighted to know that Beth is a surface designer herself. She’s one of the founders of Make it In Design, a wonderful series of online courses about surface design.

Without giving away too much about the book, you really should either read it or get the audio book, here are some themes that struck a cord for me:

Find Beauty in Simplicity

Beth takes us on a journey of self-discovery, providing practical examples and exercises that encourage introspection and a new way of seeing. She encourages us to slow down, simplify our lives, and find the beauty in the seemingly ordinary.

This is particularly relevant for me right now because my husband and I are struggling to clear out two family homes. My 93 year old father moved out of our family home and into a senior living community last year. My siblings and I have only just begun the clean up process. Tom’s mother passed away in January. He and his sister need to start the process of clearing out their family home as well. It’s overwhelming to wade through what’s been accumulated in both houses over the past 40 years.

Be Open To Alternative Philosophies

After skillfully describing the concept of wabi sabi by drawing from history and her own personal experiences living in Japan, Beth gives examples from art, architecture, and psychology, to bring this ancient philosophy to life. Without being harsh or overbearing, she describes how wabi sabi challenges conventional Western ideals of beauty and success.

Here’s an example: Beth explains that in a world where we are constantly bombarded by images of flawless beauty and unattainable perfection, wabi sabi offers a much-needed alternative perspective. Through the lens of wabi sabi, we are encouraged to see beauty in the impermanent and imperfect, such as the cracks in a teacup or the fading colors of autumn leaves.

Bring Wabi Sabi Into Your Life

The book is divided into three main sections: "Discovering Wabi Sabi," "Living Wabi Sabi," and "Wabi Sabi Wisdom." I loved the whole book, but the section on living wabi sabi struck home because Beth offers a series of practical exercises and rituals designed to help us incorporate wabi sabi principles into our daily lives.

She provides guidance on mindfulness practices, creative expression, and the art of letting go. And practical advice on how to cultivate a wabi sabi home, emphasizing simplicity, natural materials, and the appreciation of imperfections. This may remind many of you of Marie Kondo’s philosophy of thanking things for their service and letting them go if they no longer bring you joy.

I highly recommend the book. You can get the hardcover HERE and the audio book HERE.

If you read it, or already have, let me know your thoughts.

See you next week.



P.S. Thank you Lizzie Clark! Lizzie is a dear friend and fellow surface pattern designer. She’s the person who recommended this book to me a few years ago. Check out Lizzie’s beautiful work at

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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