Retreat, Relax, and Reimagine with Pat Brubaker

One of the most fulfilling parts of my journey in the world of surface pattern design is watching my students’ creativity unfold and thrive in ways they never imagined. Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Pat Brubaker, a talented creative entrepreneur, who shared her unique story of artistic exploration and how it led her to host art retreats that inspire others. In this blog, I’ll dive into Pat’s artistic history, her journey with art licensing, and her transition into running a successful art retreat business.

A Lifetime of Creativity: Pat’s Path to Design

Pat’s creativity has been a constant thread running through her life, though it wasn’t always part of a formal art education. She never attended art school—just like me! But that didn’t stop her from embracing her innate talent and following her instincts. Pat’s early experiences were full of hands-on projects, like creating macramé curtains, sewing unique wedding dresses, and even experimenting with interior design. She wasn’t one to follow conventional trends; instead, she added her personal flair to everything she touched, transforming everyday materials into works of art.

As Pat explained, “I’ve always been more of a designer than an artist. I like taking what’s out there and putting my own spin on it.” Her passion for design rather than traditional fine art led her to explore many mediums—sculpture, sewing, fabric design, and more. This early experimentation set the stage for her later success.

Pat’s Art Business Evolution

During our chat, Pat shared the pivotal moment when she stepped into the world of art licensing. It was an exciting and rewarding time for her as she licensed many of her designs to major companies. Pat attended Surtex, a trade show where artists showcase their work to potential clients, for several years. Always one to stand out, she made sure her booth had a “wow factor” by wrapping it in her design work, turning it into an experience visitors wouldn’t forget.

Licensing back then was different from today. As Pat recalled, “You used to get substantial advances, even if your design didn’t end up being used.” She was fortunate to find success in an industry that’s now much more competitive, but after a while, Pat sought a change. While she loved the creative process, she found the administrative side of licensing less appealing and decided to transition to something that allowed her more control.

Taking a Leap: Launching Art Retreats

That’s where Pat’s next adventure began. With a long-standing love for creating and a desire to share her knowledge, she opened a bed and breakfast that doubled as a creative haven. Although it started as a charming B&B, Pat realized it had more potential. “It wasn’t until 2019 that I thought, ‘Why am I not doing art retreats?’” she said, reflecting on the moment she saw a new opportunity.

The art retreats at Pat’s property are now a culmination of her passion for design, her years of artistic exploration, and her commitment to helping others tap into their creativity. The retreats give attendees a chance to not only learn new skills but also experience the beauty of the space Pat has lovingly crafted. Guests are surrounded by the art she’s created, from custom upholstery to hand-made details that bring the entire environment to life.

“I always encourage people to try things out, to experiment with their own creativity,” Pat told me. Her retreats are about more than just teaching art—they are about encouraging people to push past their comfort zones, experiment, and build confidence in their own creative process.

Overcoming Doubts: Pat’s Advice for Creatives

One theme that came up several times in our conversation was the inner voice of doubt that so many of us wrestle with as creatives. Whether it’s launching a new business or trying a new medium, those nagging thoughts can make us hesitate. Pat admitted she has felt this too, but her practical approach to pushing forward has been key.

“When you start something new, those voices pop up, but you have to recognize them for what they are. It’s just that doubt again,” she said. For Pat, sharing her ideas with others and getting positive reinforcement has been a huge help. When people responded enthusiastically to her idea of hosting art retreats, she knew she was on the right track. “You’re not going to know unless you put the idea out there,” she explained, offering advice for anyone facing the same doubts.

Join Pat for an Art Retreat Experience

If you’re feeling inspired by Pat’s journey and want to experience her creative energy firsthand, you’re in luck. Pat hosts immersive art retreats at her beautiful property, where guests can learn, create, and be surrounded by the artwork and designs that have defined her career. Whether you’re an artist looking to reignite your passion or simply someone who loves to be surrounded by creativity, Pat’s retreats offer a one-of-a-kind experience.

Additionally, if you’re an artist thinking about hosting your own retreat but feel nervous about taking that leap, Pat is offering her property as a space where you can get your feet wet. As someone who’s navigated the world of art business, she understands the challenges and is willing to work with new retreat leaders in a way that helps them build confidence.

Want to Host Your Own Retreat at Pat’s BnB?

To learn more about Pat’s upcoming art retreats or to explore the possibility of hosting your own, visit Artists Rising Creativity Retreats. Whether you’re ready to book your spot at one of her inspiring events or curious about holding your first retreat, you’ll find all the information you need to get started.

Pat’s journey is a testament to the power of embracing your creativity at any stage in life. She’s an example of how following your passions, even in unexpected directions, can lead to fulfilling new opportunities. I hope her story inspires you as much as it has inspired me!



It’s Never Too Late to Create®

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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.


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Anne LaFollette

Entertaining Beautifully offers styling, staging and home decor services in the California Bay Area.  Our styling and home decor approach is simple, elegant, modern and timeless with a focus on table settings, flowers and the overall ambience of events, gatherings and parties from 2-25 people.

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