You're Exactly Where You Need To Be
This week’s blog is about recognizing that no matter where you are on your creative learning journey, you are exactly where you need to be. Many of us fall into this trap of thinking we are “behind” when we start a new endeavor. Take my Pattern Design Academy program for example. It’s an 8-week program. We’re in week two right now. And some students are commenting that they are already behind.
Let’s talk about it because this thought is a limiting belief and can really hold you back from moving forward. My goal today is to help you flip it around and realize that you are exactly where you need to be!
Whenever you embark on a new learning journey, you know it’s going to take time. Learning French takes time. Learning Adobe Illustrator takes time. Learning to walk took time. If you really want to gain this knowledge and this new skill, you don’t give up. You keep moving forward at whatever pace is right for you.
Life can throw us curve balls. Isn’t that an understatement! We are all still adjusting to this new reality. But we are moving forward. We are figuring it out. We are taking it one day at a time.
So here’s the thing:
#1 Keep moving forward
Don’t give up. Learning is fun. It keeps us young. And surface design specifically offers so many possibilities. This is a journey. It’s not going to happen overnight. You’re where you need to be and any new journey that’s worth pursuing is going to take time. Don’t use the yardstick of behind or ahead. You’re on a path with twists and turns, up hills and downhills. Think of a virtuous cycle instead of a linear path. You’re gaining knowledge and momentum with every single step.
#2 Lean into the community.
You’ve found your people! Other creatives who have similar goals and dreams as you. The power of the interaction, support and encouragement is palpable. Don’t look at what others are doing as a way of comparison but as a way to understand the vast tapestry of experience and knowledge that’s available to you. Ask for help when you need it. And give help to others when they need it. You’ll realize that you do already know a bunch of the answers!
#3 Recognize your progress.
In The Pattern Design Academy, inside the student portal, there is a “Share Your Champagne Moments” post in the side-bar area. I put it there for a very good reason. We don’t celebrate ourselves enough because we’re, more often than not, celebrating someone else in our lives. Now’s the time to recognize the progress you are making. Be it small, medium or large. It’s progress. It’s forward momentum. Before you know it, you’ll look back and exclaim: “Wow! I did that. I made that pattern repeat properly.” Or “Yeah! I picked beautiful colors from that photo”. Or “I learned how to use the pen tool! “ LOL - inside joke…
Here’s a great example of wins this past week:
“Even though I’m in Covid lockdown from my full time demanding rep job, I’m super busy responding to customers, contractors, and prospecting projects. My win is a simple one: I got through every lesson in Module 1, sketched some cute bouquet elements, and practiced almost all the techniques in the Module. My color palette is ready and – Oh – I designed my new logo!” – Maria Dominguez
Maria! This is outstanding. I would not describe these as “a simple win”. These are fantastic wins and so important to recognize, share and celebrate! Bravo YOU.
That’s my wish for you this week. Relax and embrace the fact that you are in exactly the right place. And we’re here to celebrate and cheer you on no matter what.
See you next week!
It’s Never Too Late to Create
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Hi…I’m Anne!
My creative inspiration comes from a lifetime of observation. I grew up in Paris on the Place St. Sulpice and walked to school through the Luxembourg gardens. And that was only the beginning… Learn more by watching the video on my About page.